Monday, January 11, 2010

Sam's stats at 8 weeks

We went for our 8 week check-up today. Sam weighs 8lbs 10oz and is 21" long. He is in the 4th percentile...up from the 1st percentile when he was born! He got 3 shots today and has not felt very well all afternoon/evening...poor little guy! I go back to work tomorrow, and Sam will be staying with a lady here in town. I know she'll do a great job, but I'm just not ready to leave him!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Catching Up!

So I figured I'd be better at this whole blog thing, but I can't seem to put my sweet baby down long enough to upload pictures! Here are a few randoms from the last couple months...ENJOY!

OOPS! Someone put the diaper on wrong! (2 1/2 weeks)

Our first Thanksgiving as a family (1 1/2 weeks old)

With Uncle Matt, Kathryn, and Wyatt on Thanksgiving day.

Photo Shoot with Mom! (4 weeks)

Our first Christmas as a family. (5 1/2 weeks)

Baby's 1st Christmas outfit.

Sweet boy! (4 weeks)